Monday, November 16, 2009

Subversive Healing

The reason the word “rogue” comes to mind when I think about this angle on nutrition is that its almost subversive thinking to take your health into your own hands rather than consulting and trusting an educated doctor with any health concerns.  

I agree with the thinking of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride when she writes in her book, The Gut and Psychology Syndrome, that the world of medicine has grown so extensively in its knowledge that it had to be split up among specialists. So, now, there is rarely someone who can take a comprehensive look at how each part of the body can be playing a role in one’s overall health condition.

Even though there are some really good doctors out there, I believe there is still a need to understand one’s own body and to constantly pursue methods of health and healing that are nourishing to our bodies as a whole. The reason I believe that we have to continually be working on this, is that our bodies are constantly changing.  Every day our bodies give us new signs and symptoms, even if they are minute, that express its disorder—for example an unexplained headache or a moment of mental fogginess. These are messages to us from our bodies that something is off and it needs to be corrected, not masked by the easiest drug store fix.

Some people would say, “We’re going to die anyways, what’s the point?”  The reason for this approach is not to prolong life, although that can be a beneficial side effect. The point is to improve one’s quality of life-- To live life without unnecessary and annoying symptoms for as long as possible.

I always think about John Alison, the former CEO of BB&T, when he said that just because something is popular that doesn’t mean that it is true. The general belief used to be that the world was flat. How many beliefs do we hold today that years from now will totally be disproven?

I believe our bodies were meant to live in harmony with nature in their perfect form. Let your own body tell you what is right and wrong for you. 

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